2020-21 Family of the Year
Family of the Year
The father of our family of the year is a Past Grand Knight, Pro-Life Director, and our council’s newsletter editor for over 25 years. He and his wife have been tremendously faithful leaders of our pro-life programs, both at the council and state levels. They have served on the finance council of the parish and parish school. She served on the board of directors for the Attic program for 30 years. They have also both served with Maine Right to Life, the Christian Civic League, and countless other pro-life and pro-family organizations. They have served as leaders in our parish pre-Cana marriage prep program as well. Time prevents us from going more into detail of everything they’ve done. Our Maine State Council Family of the Year is Gerald and Pilar Thibideau from Pine Cone Council 114 Bangor.
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