
Raffle Chair Report

Raffle Chairman Report



It’s that time of year again, time to try to sell calendars. I want to thank everyone who sold calendars last year and congratulations to all of the winners. Last year we sold a little over 2000 calendars, Thank You! If you were at the State Convention you heard that the State Council needs your help by trying very hard to sell all of the calendars this year. I think with all of your help we can make this happen. This would make a difference of about $5000 to the State Budget. Send back to me all of the calendars and money so that I can keep track of all of the calendars and money. A good way to sell extra calendars is by setting up at a local business or at craft or Christmas Fairs at church or around town. Thanks for all that you do for the Knights and for all of the calendars that you are able sell. All sales are greatly appreciated.

Yours in Christ

Ron Darling

Raffle Chairman


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