Maine State Council Budget
Dear Grand Knight & Council Membership, As you may be aware, the budget of the State Council is based on the Per Capita income of our billable members. Billable members are those that pay full or partial dues to their local councils and are not Honorary Life or Disabled. (Inactive Council members are…
Roundtable Coordinator Report
Roundtable Coordinator Report I want to thanks all of the councils that participated in the Parish Round Table Program last year, hopefully more councils will take part in this program. I hope all of the State Officers, District Deputies, and State Staff will help encourage all of your Grand Knights to fill out the…
Faith Director Report
Faith Director Bob Dumond Brothers, Hope your summer is going well! Congratulations on another great year. As you may know, the FIA Programs in the “FAITH” category are: ◊ Building the Domestic Church ◊ Kiosk ◊ Holy Hour ◊ Into the Breach ◊ Marian Prayer ◊ RSVP ◊ Rosary ◊ Sacramental Gifts ◊ Spiritual Reflection…
Memory Garden Gazebo Project
Memory Garden Gazebo Project First of all I would l like to sincerely thank all those councils and individual members who donated to the Memory Garden Gazebo Project. Within just a few short months we have exceeded our goal of $20,000.00 and Sister Pat is beside herself over how the Knights of Columbus opened…
Membership Director
Membership Director Normand Bisson This is my first message in the State News Letter as State Membership Director. Recently our Worthy State Deputy passed on the status of Membership Growth to all of the District Deputies, hopefully the information was passed to the respective councils, part of my job as State Membership Director is to…
Family Director Update
Family Director Wesley Tabb Brother Knights, I hope this message finds you well and you and your families are having a wonderful summer. I want to thank you for all of your hard work during the previous Fraternal Year. Let’s keep up the good work. The required program in the Family Category to be eligible…
Community Director Update
Community Director—Anthony Alfiero Congratulations on another great fraternal year!! WE DID IT!!! With your help we did over $100,000 in the Tootsie Roll Drive! Convention was awesome to find out what had happened!! Personally, I thought Faith in Action was Great!!! Brothers Community Programs in Faith in Action consist of: Required Program***…
Summer Meeting 2019
(updates will occur to this post, check back periodically) Maine State Council had it’s Semiannual District Deputy Organizational meeting at St Johns Church in Bangor. Below are materials shared with those in attendance, minutes of the meeting, and other resulting pertinent materials; followed by a phot0 gallery of the event. [gmedia id=10] Views: 0
Communications – Faith in Action Reporting
Good afternoon Worthies Some significant changes to the Faith in Action reporting tools occurred this weekend in preparation of the Changeover of the Fraternal Year. Interested SO and FIA Director might want to read in entirety where new information in within. First, the old Surge Summary has been retired where we no longer have so…
Communications At some point, the idea that Faith in Action Reports for the prior Maine Judging Year were going to disappear or otherwise reset. In reality, the Faith in Action report you see from maineknights is/will operate on the Supreme Fraternal Year of July 1 to June 30. The Maine Judging Year is a function…
Program Manager, Life-Based Initiatives
Dear Worthy State Deputy and State Life Director, In the Supreme Knight’s Annual Report at the 136th Supreme Convention, he asked, “What greater legacy can a council leave than to save the life of a child?” The Knights of Columbus Supreme Council is pleased to announce that it has entered into preferred pricing agreements…
Retention Update
DAVID ROY, PSD STATE RETENTION CHAIRMAN 1038 PORTLAND RD UNIT 10 SACO, ME 04072-9694 207-232-6809 Greetings my brother knights, It’s time of year where the Intend to Retain aspect of our order goes into full swing. What is retention? According to Merriam-Webster it is the act of keeping someone or something; the recruitment and…
State Deputy Message
March State Deputy Message March 6th marked the start of the Lenten Season. I am reminded of the message that was given to us at Ash Wednesday Mass that correlates directly with being a Knight of Columbus: prayer, fasting and almsgiving. If we truly are “In Service to One, In Service to All” then we…