Ceremonials Director
My Brothers in Christ, A lot of information was shared at the recent summer meeting of the Maine StateCouncil. I am taking this space to highlight a couple of important points about theExemplification of Charity, Unity & Fraternity, our combined 1st, 2nd & 3rd DegreeInitiation Ceremony for new members. The most pressing matter is that…
State Evangelization and Faith Formation (EFF) Director
My Brothers, At the recent summer meeting of the Maine State Council, we spent time getting back toour roots as evangelizing disciples of Jesus. All our good works are an outgrowth of ourCatholic faith, stemming from the love our creator which we share with the world. Thisis evangelization, through which our faith is deepened and…
Lobster Dip 2024
OLD ORCHARD BEACH (WGME)— Over 600 people ran into the ocean for the 36th annual “Lobster Dip” event in Old Orchard Beach and raised a record amount of money for Special Olympics Maine. Six hundred thirty people lined up at Old Orchard Beach at noon on Monday, New Year’s Day, and ran straight into the…
Maine State DD Organizational Meeting 6/21-23
State Deputy Michael Giroux My wife Barbara and I were married in 2007. We live in Augusta, have both been active in different ministries in our home parish of St. Michael’s, and are fully committed to serving the Maine State Council. At the 129th Maine State Convention in 2024, I was elected to the position of…
Latest Regional Training
DELTA CHURCH DRIVE TRAINING Tuesday February 8, 2022 8:00 PM EASTERN CANCELED Saturday February 26, 2022 10:00 AM EASTERN https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/682953272116964108 COUNCIL GROWTH TRAINING Wednesday February 23, 2021 8:00 PM EASTERN https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6120546245841254156 Views: 0
Maine Regional Training
Don’t miss this Live Opportunity for Regional Training Eastern Region Training Director, and Past State Deputy of the District of Columbia, Brandon Brown visits Maine this week. Those brother Knights currently holding positions as District Deputy or a Council Officer OR may wish to hold these positions sometime in the future should consider attending this…
First Maine State Council Blessed Michael McGivney Prayer Hour
Brother Knights, The very first celebration of the feast of Blessed Michael McGivney will take place this Friday, August 13, 2021. In honor of this momentous occasion, the Maine State Council is pleased to host a virtual Blessed Michael McGivney Prayer Hour. The event will be held via Zoom at 7 pm. You are cordially…
Life Activities
Life Activities: Andy Levesque attended the Maine State Annual Convention. He distributed baby packets, brochures, pamphlets, and other useful literature. The Knights are collecting money (to place in a line account) in order to support Mr. Levesque. The Silver Rose program was well attended at the Maine State Convention on May 22nd at 6:30…
First ever Men’s March against abortion in DC District of Columbia
Maine Life Couple Hundreds gather for first ever Men’s March against abortion in DC District of Columbia | June 15, 2021 The first ever national Men’s March, organized by Fr. Stephen Imbarrato and Catholic radio host Jim Havens, took place last Saturday, on the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Men…
Precious Innocents
Precious Innocents is a nonprofit organization within the state of Maine that is working to pass legislation (An Act to Provide Dignity for the Fetal Remains by Requiring Their Interment or Cremation; LD 1225). Sadly the Bill was defeated by a vote of 8-2. In order for this bill to pass in the future, it…
2020-21 Ron Cote Award
Ron Cote Award Winner The 4th annual bowl a thon in support of the Shepherd’s Godparent Pregnancy center. This event was cancelled due to COVID restrictions and it was decided to do a mailing to our Council’s membership instead. The mailing highlighted a recently deceased benefactress, whose spouse was a Past Faithful Navigator, who…
2020-21 Family of the Year
Family of the Year The father of our family of the year is a Past Grand Knight, Pro-Life Director, and our council’s newsletter editor for over 25 years. He and his wife have been tremendously faithful leaders of our pro-life programs, both at the council and state levels. They have served on the finance council…
Supreme 2020-2021 Faith in Action Award
Supreme Award Title: Turkey Dinner Delivery The pandemic canceled our council’s widows’ banquet, so instead of them coming to us, we decided to go to them. In the spirit of Leave No Neighbor Behind, we decided not only our members’ widows, but all members of our parish facing the hardships of the pandemic. 6 members…
2020-2021 Family Awards
Outstanding Family Activity – “A” Division Title: Food for Families This year our council held two food drives to benefit our parish food pantry. On June 6th we collected 1,250 pounds of food and $200 in donations. On October 17th we collected 1,149 pounds and $350. The outstanding activity in the “A” division goes to…