Presque Isle 11/17

Presque Isle 11/17

Brother Knights, please join Council 2524 for a breakfast and Fraternal Benefit Event. The breakfast will be to raise money for new windows for the rectory. Come and enjoy breakfast, and learn more about the Knights of Columbus Fraternal Benefits. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. The faith formation group will provide a craft…


World Marriage Day

February 10, 2019, is World Marriage Day, a celebration of Christian marriage that honors husband and wife as the foundation of the family.  World Marriage Day salutes the faithfulness, sacrifice, and joy that are part of daily living for husbands and wives and their generous love that gives rise to new life. “Love One Another”…

Family Director Update

“The family as domestic church is central to the work of the new evangelization and to the future sustainability of our parishes.”  Supreme Knight Carl Anderson Saint John Paul II exhorted us to pray the Rosary for peace and for the family. “A similar need for commitment and prayer arises in relation to another critical…