Maine State Council Charity Fund

Revisions to Guidelines

The Maine State Council Charity Fund is a statewide program to assist those in Maine that are enduring some type of hardship; i.e., health and medical issues, catastrophic events such as loss of home due to fire, flood or other emergency event, or loss of income, health insurance, etc.

The funds given to the four recipients are provided from the interest gained from the corpus of the Christopher Fund which is held by the Supreme Council. (90% of total is awarded; other 10% is invested back into the fund.) Three of the 5 nominees are voted on at the Annual State Convention Business Meeting. The 4th recipient will always be the Roman Catholic Bishop of Portland.

This program is not limited to brother knights, their families, or Catholics. This program is available to any individual or family that is in dire need of financial assistance that reside in Maine.

The entry needs to be submitted by the local council in the geographic region where the individual or family resides, preferably by the brother Knight that is aware of the need.

All entries must be sent to State Deputy no later than February 1st of each year

Entries may be mailed by USPS to the State Deputy address listed in the State Directory, or submitted automatically to all recipients using this Electronic Form.


• The entry is limited to 1-page or no more than 500 words.
• Potential recipients that would already qualify for funds under the Program for People with Disabilities (aka Tootsie Roll Program) are prohibited from being submitted under the Charity Fund Program.
• Ensure the individual or family is aware of the request. Do not be secretive. The more the council knows about the need, the better.
• If the council/district has already assisted financially, please state what was done and amount raised/donated.
• If other organizations have already assisted financially, please state name of organization and amount of money raised/donated.
• If the request concerns a health issue, please “generalize” the condition so it can be better understood. For instance, instead of stating “osteosarcoma”, write it as “bone cancer”.
• All entries must be sent to State Deputy no later than February 1st of each year.
• The State Deputy will forward a copy to each member of the Executive Board (State Officers and Past State Deputies) for their review. They will score the submissions based on specific criteria to narrow the entries down to five (5).
• The Top 5 will be presented at the Annual Business Meeting of the State Convention to be voted on by the registered delegates.

REMINDER: Upon the conclusion of the State Convention, the State Treasurer will send a request to the Supreme Secretary to have the funds released. The funds are then sent to the Diocese of Portland and in turn, checks are made out to the recipients and mailed. Time expectancy is approximately 60 days.
Please contact the State Deputy if you have any questions regarding these guidelines. Thank you!!

Again, entries may be mailed by USPS to the State Deputy address listed in the State Directory, or submitted automatically to all recipients using this Electronic Form.

****This form requires pre-registration. Membership must be verified before registrations are activated. Please allow up to 24 hours for account activation.

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Current Maine State Council Officers  
William L. Carney, Past State Deputy
John S. Martin, Past State Deputy
Donald A. Madden, Past State Deputy
Gerald S. DiMillo, Past State Deputy
Lynn M. Cayford, Past State Deputy
Roger A. Melancon, Past State Deputy
Richard W. King, Past State Deputy
Walter M. Golojuch, Past State Deputy
Elden C. Smith, Past State Deputy
Dale L. Voisine, Past State Deputy
Robert D King, Past State Deputy
Gerald J. Martin, Past State Deputy
Raymond A Sargent, Past State Deputy
Philip A Lizotte, Past State Deputy
David Roy, Past State Deputy
Norman A. Gray, Past State Deputy
Mark Bourgoin, Past State Deputy

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