Faith Director Report

Faith Director
Bob Dumond

Brothers, Hope your summer is going well! Congratulations on another great year.
As you may know, the FIA Programs in the “FAITH” category are:
◊ Building the Domestic Church ◊ Kiosk
◊ Holy Hour
◊ Into the Breach
◊ Marian Prayer
◊ Rosary
◊ Sacramental Gifts
◊ Spiritual Reflection
This month I will report on our RSVP program. Maine Knights of Columbus supported our seminarians to a tune of $16,500. This represented the support from 18 Councils and 4 Assemblies. With around 65 Councils and 39 Assemblies in the State of Maine you can see that our total support can be much greater. I know that some councils can’t afford to give $500 support to a seminarian. But you don’t have to give $500. You can do less and it’s okay. Send them birthday cards. Pray for them. Do whatever you can. Our seminarians are our future priests.
I will be updating this coming academic year’s Seminarian Poster as soon as the information is available.
Fr. Greg Dube is the new Vicar for Seminarians this year. I look forward to working with Fr. Dube on the Vocations Council.
For information on all the FIA Faith programs and more on the RSVP program go to:

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