Life Directors update
“Thou shall not kill.”
This Divine command is reasonable even to the atheist. In addition, every stable culture in the history of the world has posited it as law in some form. As America struggles through wars, and a spiritual crisis, perhaps we need to reassess her moral compass. January 22 marks the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court case that legalized abortion and is responsible for taking over 60 million lives to date.
What do embryologist say:
Every human embryologist worldwide states that the life of the new individual human being begins at fertilization. They never describe human life as “potential” human life. Therefore, killing an embryo — by harvesting embryonic stem cells, by using abortifacient contraceptives, by committing so-called therapeutic cloning, or by flushing spare in-vitro fertilization embryos down the sink — takes that human life.
A year ago I spoke about Cardinal Timothy Dolan who recently wrote in the Wall Street Journal “ I’m a pastor, not a politician, and I’ve certainly had spats and disappointments with politicians from both of America’s leading parties. But it saddens me, and weakens the democracy millions of Americans cherish, when the party that once embraced Catholics now slams the door on us” He was talking about the major party that supports abortion.
Abortion should not be a partisan issue, it is a human rights issue and (where there is another candidate who supports life) no Catholic should be voting for a candidate for any office who does not oppose this horrific procedure. It makes no sense to me when the platform of one of the major parties includes the right to an abortion. It is discouraging to me to remember that the majority of voters that identify as Catholics in the 2008 & 2012 presidential elections voted for the most pro-abortion president in US history.
This past year pro-life candidates in our own state came under fire by pro-abortion supporters. We should remember there were pro-life candidates running in both congressional districts in our state. But instead of electing them Maine elected pro-abortion politicians and lost the only Pro-Life congressional seat In New England which includes 22 congressional districts.
Death with Dignity:
Last November after voting many of us were confronted with people gathering petitions one of which was Death with Dignity. After several failed attempts with the Legislature the proponents for this disturbing immoral practice were trying to gather 60,000 signatures to try for a referendum in an attempt to get this passed into law. Hopefully no Catholic signed this petition.
Respectfully Submitted
Frank & Jean Pease
Life Directors
Maine State Knights of Columbus
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