
Life Report for Convention 2019

Life Report for Convention 2019


With all the gains made in the Life arena in Washington this year we should realize today that Maine government is now caught up in a strangle hold with the culture of death.  We Catholics all know that Almighty God is in charge, but I am sure He expects us to use our voting privilege to further the cause of LIFE and not to vote just because my mother & father voted for a certain party, We need to make a conscious effort to find out where the candidates stand on the most important issue!  To help me better understand why the last election turned out the way it did I looked to the words of President James Garfield when giving his centennial address to Congress in 1876 where he issued the following warning:


“Now, more than ever before, the people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness, and corruption. If it be intelligent, brave, and pure, it is because the people demand these high qualities to represent them in the national legislature…If the next centennial does not find us a great nation…it will be because those who represent the enterprise, the culture, and the morality of the nation do not aid in controlling the political forces.”…


His words are true for our federal government but also for our state & local government as well.  We are responsible for the character of our government because we elect these officials to represent us. Let’s take a look at the attacks on life in the first 3 months of 2019:


¨ •LD-37: An Act to allow the sale of nonprescription drugs through vending machines.  This bill is being brought forward this session.  If this bill were to pass it could allow the morning after pill to be dispensed from vending machines like potato chips.

¨ •Maine is now unleashing LD 820:  Demanding funding for elective abortions!  This bill would use Maine tax dollars to fund abortion services, as well as require that health insurance carriers provide coverage for abortion services.  Maine has never used our tax dollars to cover abortions!

¨ •Governor Janet Mill’s announcement about introducing a bill to gain access to abortion, LD 1261.  This bill would allow Nurse Practitioners to commit abortions and overturn long-standing Maine law requiring abortions to be performed by Doctors only.

¨ •And now we have LD 1313:  An Act to Enact the Maine Death with Dignity Act.


Before Catholics go into a voting booth should to know where candidates stand on the most important issue “LIFE”, and keep the words of Pope Saint John Paul II in mind.  “. . . we are facing an enormous and dramatic clash between good and evil, death and life, the “culture of death” and the “culture of life”. We find ourselves not only faced with but necessarily in the midst of this conflict: we are all involved, and we all share in it, with the inescapable responsibility of choosing to be unconditionally pro-life.” (Evangelium Vitae).   Remember whether you’re a Democrat or Republican we need to remember if a candidate can’t make the right call on “LIFE” how can we expect them to make good judgements on other issues!


Ultrasound Initiative Update

Councils in Sanford, Springvale, Wells, Kennebunk & Biddeford held baby bottle drives & raised over $28,000 for an ultrasound unit for the ALPHA pregnancy resource center in Sanford.  Supreme matched ½ the cost of the machine which was $12,050 bringing the total raised to over $40,000.


The Open Arms Pregnancy Center in Augusta is the latest PRC in need of an ultrasound.  To date councils have raised about $2,500 but no one has used a baby bottle drive, which is the most effective way to raise money for a machine.  Councils please help Open Arms by conducting a baby bottle drive.



Frank & Jean Pease

LIFE Directors


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