
Maine State Council Budget



Dear Grand Knight & Council Membership,

As you may be aware, the budget of the State Council is based on the Per Capita income of our billable members. Billable members are those that pay full or partial dues to their local councils and are not Honorary Life or Disabled. (Inactive Council members are also not counted in the billable member total.)

At the State Convention this past April, the proposed budget for the 2019-2020 Fraternal Year was approved at $48,450 which was based on 5,100 billable members. Even though we reached 70% of our new member intake goal last year, the number of suspensions, withdrawals and deaths exceeded the intake goal. Therefore, our billable members went down to 4,900 and our new budget for this year will now be $46,550 or $1,900 lower than expected.

To combat this, the State Council will be reviewing each activity we sponsor and/or donate monies; to determine if we can do so, reduce the amount to be expended, or not participate at all. It is unfortunate but must be done to keep the State Council solvent.

Also, each Council will need to double their efforts in recruiting new members and strive to retain the members you have in order keep your council alive and help keep the Maine State Council financially sound. Councils also need to increase their efforts in selling Cash Calendars as this greatly helps with the overall budget as well. Even with our best efforts, this will not be enough.

The State Per Capita has been at $9.50 per billable member for 12 years. Prior to that, it was at $7.00. Unless our membership drastically increases over the next 9 months, we will have no choice but submit a resolution at next year’s State Convention to look at increasing the Per Capita. It must be done.

With that said, on behalf of the Maine State Council, we apologize in advance if we are not able to assist in your fundraising efforts. We will do our best to review each request on a case-by-case basis.

If you have any questions or thoughts, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Vivat Jesus,

Mark R. Bourgoin
Mark Bourgoin
State Deputy


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