November State Deputy’s Message


November is a time when a number of things occur; celebrating All Saints Day; backing up our clocks an hour; honoring our deceased brother Knights; electing those that are govern our state and country; honoring our veterans that have served in battle and in peacetime to maintain our freedoms; giving thanks to God for all that we have for without Him we have nothing; shopping on Black Friday (not!!); etc.

There are also some interesting “special days” that probably most of us do not know about; but two that really stood out is on 13 November:  “World Kindness Day” and 21 November “World Hello Day”.   They are wonderful opportunities to extend a smile or extend a helping hand.  You may be that only person that does so and may mean the world of difference to that person you meet.

What are you thankful for?  Although some will take some serious time to really ponder this question, the one and only answer should be, “everything”.  I am grateful to God for everything he has given me; my life and my family (which includes my wife, parents, siblings, children, grandchildren, friends, brother Knights and their families).  I am grateful for the time, talents and treasures God gave me to serve Him, the Church, my Council, my District and the State and especially to serve each of you. Every day is an opportunity to be thankful, not just on Thanksgiving Day.    Thank you!!! And God be with you all.
~Mark Bourgoin


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