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Stand Tall for Life
Make a Mother’s Day donation NOW!
& Plant seeds for Life!

In lieu of carnations, please make a Mother’s Day Donation &
come walk and grow sunflowers with us…

If ever a time to witness human life held most sacred, it is now. People ordered to stay home, businesses and schools closed, livelihoods on hold, only essential services permitted, churches forbidden from holding services, people at home in isolation, healthcare personnel working overtime, families separated as loved ones die alone of coronavirus. The dead put in mass graves. Concerns about trauma caused by coronavirus. Internet connections help – but is not the same. Life, as we know it, has changed.

Coronavirus brings the fragility of life to the forefront: above all else, it is to be protected. Yet the evil perils of abortion continue. Sadly, amid this crisis, the World Health Organization has deemed abortion services essential.

As unemployment soars; others are working overtime – to save lives. Celebrations, sports, travel, recreation, and conferences have been cancelled. Maine Right To Life has cancelled our Mother’s Day Carnation event which is our major annual fundraising event. Additionally, our Celebrate Life Walk event, scheduled for July 11th has been re-scheduled to Saturday, August 29th. We need your help—NOW!

We are on a mission to uphold the sanctity of life, like never before – from womb to tomb. We need to grow our membership. Join us for our new homegrown Stand Tall for Life event. All will not be lost to Coronavirus – let’s work with what we have:

• Quality isolated time with loved ones… increased romance = coronavirus baby boom!
• More time to go for a walk … socially distanced, of course!
• More time in your yard… Let’s plant sunflowers!
• Facebook, Phone, virtual gatherings, text… great ways to engage people!
• April showers bring May flowers…

Why Sunflowers?
• Sunflowers always turn their faces toward the sun – signifying brighter days ahead.
• Sunflowers stand tall in the garden – we will rise and shine.
• Sunflowers are in full bloom by Labor Day.
• Sunflowers make a bold statement of appreciation.

Plus -flowers brighten days, put smiles on people’s faces, express gratitude and appreciation and honor the dead. It is why Maine Right to Life established an annual Mother’s Day carnation program, and why each January places memorial roses to innocent life lost by abortion at our State Capital: in honor and in memory of life.

Our healthcare workers, public safety workers, grocery store, gas stations, postal workers, delivery vehicles and beyond – all the people who have made huge sacrifices, putting their own lives at risk, to save others – could use a flower right now. Flowers also honor the dead. They represent the fragility and swift passage from life to death. Coronavirus times are calling for flowers.

Looking ahead to Labor Day:
In year’s past, Labor Day celebrations took a back seat to other holidays. Marking a time of transition; it signified the end of summer fun, back to school, and back to the grind of everyday life. This year, it will be the celebration that it originally was meant to be: A national tribute to the contributions made by workers to bring strength, prosperity, and well-being to our country. Add the word sacrifices and we will have a modern day version and a new holiday to celebrate.

For Maine Right to Life Members – Labor Day is the ultimate:
People are experiencing the fragility of their own lives and the lives of others. This new awareness must transcend to the fragility of the most vulnerable unborn. In all this turmoil, fragile, vulnerable, innocent lives need to be included. The times – they are changing. Time in isolation may put a new attitude on life. Together, we can plant seeds of hope, that every life conceived, comes to fruition on their individual Labor Days. And for new life, we will walk in solidarity that Coronavirus gives birth to a new attitude that values all human life from womb to tomb.

We would like this activity to be fun, visible, and fruitful. We would love to see your photos of your Stand Tall for Life growing successes and walk experience, and invite you to post and share on Facebook/email. We look forward to seeing your Labor Day harvest. Happy growing!

For Life,

Karen Vachon
Executive Director


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