
Respect Life Day at the Capitol

Join Us for an Educational Day!
Respect Life Day at the Capitol
February 14, 2019
9:00 AM-1:00 PM

Hall of Flags
State House (2nd Floor)
Augusta, ME

Good News! Maine Right to Life Committee is pleased to announce hosting the 6th annual Respect Life Day at the Capitol.

This is a wonderful educational opportunity by which to showcase Maine’s extensive respect life presence to our lawmakers in a highly visible and informational manner. Respect Life Day at the Capitol will be held in Augusta on Thursday, February 14 at the Hall of Flags from 9AM-1PM (State House Capitol Building, 2nd Floor). On that day, respect life organizations from across the state will convene in the State Capitol and provide legislators and the public with pro-life exhibits/displays.

Please be aware this is not a rally, march, or protest. It is an informational, educational venue for legislators, staff, and those visiting the Capitol on that day.

This event provides a great venue by which to speak with respect life leaders. Learn first-hand what’s new and exciting in Maine’s respect life movement.  Learn what you can do to become a more effective advocate for Maine’s vulnerable, at all stages of development.

Although each participating respect life organization provides a unique area in which to promote the culture of life, we all share the same unwavering mission: To protect and support the precious gift of life by offering compassionate, life-affirming alternatives by which to erode the culture of death.

ALSO—this could be an ideal time to schedule an appointment with your local Representatives and discuss with him/her the importance of their respect life vote(s.)

Find your local Maine Senator and Representative.

Friends, there is no denying it. We are making inroads into building the culture of life through truth and love!

Mark your calendar now, and join us, along with our esteemed respect life colleagues from across Maine. This promises to be an exciting and educational day! Families, students, singles, and seniors are welcome to attend this family-friendly, educational respect life event. See you on February 14th for Respect Life Day at the Capitol!

Your Friends at Maine Right to Life Committee

P.S. There is no snow date available to reschedule the event. Please pray for good weather—-Be sure to check our website (www.MaineRightToLife.com) and/or telephone us (207-782-0101) before you head out on February 14. IF the event must be cancelled due to inclement weather reports, we would announce it on our website and Face Book page the night before. No news is good news. We don’t anticipate having to cancel, but Our Lord may have a different plan for us!


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