Retention Chair Update
Update: Retention Chairman
Greetings my brother Knights,
No, I have not disappeared into the sunset but have returned home for a while longer. As you can see I have taken on the task of Retention Chair for the state council. As I have always done I will do my best to fulfill the obligations of the position. Do I know everything about retention? No. I will impart on you what I do know and as I learn more about the process I will pass it on to you.
What is retention? According to Merriam-Webster it is the act of keeping someone or something; the recruitment and retention of good employees or in our case “members”.
When does retention begin? IMMEDIATELY upon the recruitment of a new member. If you wait until he stops paying his dues you are too late. You need to look at what is happening in your council. If you haven’t seen someone for a while, call and ask how they are doing. Tell them they were missed at the last meeting or function.
Another way is to have a retention committee, a team of members who are willing to make a couple of calls a month to the members of the council just to keep in touch, wish them a happy birthday, or anniversary of the day they joined the knights. Find out who their family members are and how they are doing in school or in their new job.
As you can see there are many reasons to keep in touch with someone. If you call regularly, it will be easier to call them to get them to help out at a function.
If you have any questions please do not be afraid to call or drop me an email. As I stated while I was State Deputy, I am here to serve.
Peace and God Bless.
Vivat Jesus,
Dave Roy, PSD
SACO, ME 04072-9694
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