Special Olympics Basketball
Calling all Brother Knights from Bangor to Portland! See the link below to join in the Special Olympics of Maine, regional basketball competitions. No physical exertion involved, unless you referee basketball that is! And it’s never too early to mark your calendars for June 6th to the 8th for the Summer Games at UMO!
Thank you for all the continued support of Special Olympics of Maine! Norm G. PSD
We are very excited to be getting into the planning process for this year’s two regional basketball competitions! We will once again be returning to our two wonderful venues.
Southern Maine Basketball
March 22nd 8:30am – 2:00pm
Costello Sports Complex / Hill Gymnasium – University of Southern Maine, Gorham
Central Maine Basketball
March 29th 8:30am – 2:00pm
Memorial Gymnasium – University of Maine, Orono
New this year, we are working to integrate our new volunteer management website for more of our sports competitions. This is all to help us have a better way to track our volunteers for each event we offer throughout the year. We have added all our volunteer positions for basketball to the site. Please use the link below to look at all of the volunteer positions available. With this website, group leaders can respond to a volunteer opportunity as a team which allows you to select multiple open spots for that volunteer opportunity. If your group attending is larger than the number of open spots for that volunteer opportunity, please let me know and I can add the correct number of spots to that opportunity through the back end of the website. As always, the more the merrier!
If anyone has any questions on this, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us! We look forward to seeing many familiar faces again this year at both of our regional basketball competitions!
Mike Littlefield
Director of Sports and Programs
Special Olympics Maine – www.somaine.org
E– MikeL@somaine.org
W– 207-879-0489 ex. 15
F – 1-888-490-0672
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