State Deputy’s Message

December State Deputy’s Message

Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the East to Jerusalem, asking   “Where is he that is born King of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the east and have come to worship him”.(Matthew 2:1-2)

I was watching a Christmas movie recently when Mom asked her daughter about whether she was good this year.  Basing it on a scale of 1 to 10, the daughter replied with a 6, maybe 6.5 tops.  Mom felt it should have been higher, especially since her Dad was in the Army and overseas; unable to come home for the holidays.

Are we not our worst critics when it comes to judging ourselves?   As we advance through the ranks as brother Knights, we are reminded of the words “Judge not, lest be judged”.    Our Lord and Savior was born in a manger and yet some would still “judge” the innkeeper for not finding a room at the inn with the impending birth.

If Joseph and Mary were housed at the inn, would the three wise men still be allowed to see the “new born King”? Maybe the Magi themselves would be judged and therefore not allowed to pay homage.

The Blessed Advent Season reminds us that Jesus in coming and to prepare ourselves not only during this special time, but all year long.  It’s not about how much money we spend to give presents or how much a present is worth that we receive (or the hassles of attempting to buy the presents in the stores or online); it’s truly about spending time with each other in the presence of the Lord.  We already do this at Mass each weekend, but now our Lord is presenting us with the opportunity to share it with our families.

For Lois and I, blessing the meal as a family, attending Christmas Mass, giving and receiving of warm embraces, and just spending that quality time with family and friends in the presence of our Lord is the true meaning of Christmas and the Blessed Advent Season.   The anticipation of waiting for that to occur is just as invigorating as waiting for our Lord Jesus Christ to be born.

May you and your family and friends be blessed with the warmth and love of Jesus and each other.  Merry Christmas.    Mark Bourgoin


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