
Stop Trafficking Us!!


Worthy Brothers – Knights of Columbus

Learn, Educate, React, Help the Children of Maine

Save the Date: February 9, 2019, St Pius Church, 492 Ocean Ave, Portland Maine, 7pm


Don’t miss this eye-opening presentation on the epidemic of Child Sexual Abuse in Maine, 1 in 5 children are sexually exploited in our state. Learn how this abuse leads to trafficking from survivor Catherine Ann Wilson – former sex trafficking victim in Maine. Catherine is now a powerful advocate/speaker, and founder of Stop Trafficking US – a 501c3 committed to educating people – with the goal of sparing future children this trauma.


Catherine has an astonishing story, and she’s an unforgettable public speaker, as she courageously tells how her abuse started by a school administrator, and escalated by family members, and led to being trafficked and prostituted. Her voice is gripping, impactful, she’s pint-sized but powerful as she tells of horrific sexual exploitation so prevalent in our state, in all socio-economic groups, and how it leads to a life of trauma. She will speak of ACEs: adverse childhood experiences – a subject Oprah recently brought to mainstream on 60 Minutes.


Catherine has spoken before thousands, see testimonials, on TV and radio shows, at US Military training programs, on Homeland Security panels, to Police Departments and First Responders, at churches, high schools and colleges. See some of Catherine’s videos https://www.stoptraffickingus.org/watch.


You will also hear from panelists comprised of:

* Homeland Security Cyber Crimes Experts

* Cumberland County DA’s office representatives

* Family Healthy Sexuality Expert and daughter of a KOC


Goals of this Event: To educate the Knights of Columbus leaders and members on sex trafficking and child sexual assault in Maine. What it is, where/how it’s happening and how we can partner to prevent this and heal our own communities.

Be there!


Stop Trafficking US is a non-profit 501c3 established in 2015 by survivor Catherine Ann Wilson to raise awareness, educate and mobilize Maine people to stop the sexual abuse and exploitation of children. # EIN 474939009


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