40 Days for Life 2021
40 Days for Life 2021
Council: 114 - BANGOR
Project Description:
Each fall, Pine Cone Council #114 takes a leadership role in support of the 40 Days for Life campaign in Bangor, a vigil during which individuals pray at locations around the world for an end to abortion. They also offer material about abortion alternatives. Participants come from all walks of live and from many faith traditions. This is an opportunity to publicly take a stand for life, to support anyone who has questions and to pray for unborn children, their families, abortion workers and anyone touched by abortion. The Bangor vigil is held on the right of way outside the Mable Wadsworth Center on Mt. Hope Avenue. The center is a major purveyor of abortions in eastern Maine.
The fall 2021 campaign ran from September 22 through October 31. Vigil hours were between 6 am and 6 pm each day, which equals 480 hours. Only three of those hours went uncovered by at least one person. With two participants scheduled per hour, the effort required 960 person-hours to be 100% filled. Thanks to dedicated leaders, with Pine Cone Council’s Life Director Rey Dubois prominent in the effort, 931 of those hours were covered. That’s 97% of the goal! Of the 931 person-hours, 189 were covered by representative of the Knights of Columbus. Rey Dubois led the charge with 60 vigil hours of his own. Rey was present for 39 of the 40 days.
Additionally, Rey put in approximately 116 hours working behind the scenes. He helped organize 3 rallies that occurred in conjunction with the campaign, appeared on local radio and engaged in many other behind-the-scenes activities. Of particular note, Rey sent out inspirational email messages almost every day, with scripture references and words of encouragement for all involved.
Vigil participants numbered approximately 75 individuals. St. Paul the Apostle Catholic parish was well-represented, as were Bangor’s Crosspoint Church and Pilgrim Orthodox Presbyterian Church. 17 youths from Calvary Baptist Church in Dover-Foxcroft attended on Day 40. Of those 75 people, 15 were knights. Most came from Pine Cone Council while others were members in Old Town and Bucksport. Eight of the other participants were spouses of knights. Council 114 is proud to stand for life in all its stages, from conception to natural death. We thank Brother Rey Dubois for his strong pro-life efforts and his example for his brother knights.
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