40 Days for Life – Bangor 2020

40 Days for Life - Bangor 2020


Council: 114 - BANGOR

Project Description:

This marks the 7th year that Pine Cone Council 114 has participated in the 40 Days for Life – Bangor campaign. Pine Cone Council has sponsored and filled the 5 Wednesdays during the 40 consecutive day prayer vigil. During the weeks prior to the start of the vigil, Sir Knights Rey Dubois and Gino Nardi presented information and requested support (in person, but with masks, social distancing, and good hygiene) at the Old Town, Bucksport, and Bangor Councils’ business meetings. . Brother Knights from all three councils participated in the prayer vigil. Note that Gino Nardi, Rey Dubois, and Rey’s wife, Annmarie are on the Bangor board of 40 Days for Life. Brother Rey Dubois also sent out nightly messages to the 40 Days-Bangor email list, with prayers, interpretation, and “open prayer-slot opportunities” for the following day… with rewarding results! Brother Rey was also interviewed “live” regarding the Bangor 40 Days for Live campaign on Christian radio station WHCF, in Bangor. This year’s 40 Days for Life Prayer vigil has been particularly successful, especially in the presence of the Covid 19 pandemic, and the requirement for masks, social distancing, and precautionary hand hygiene. Total “people prayer-hours” participation increased from 340 in 2018, to 557 in 2019, to 764 in 2020! These represent an increase of 64% between 2018 and 2019…and increase of 37% from 2019 to 2020! Many prayerful people also attended Cast the Vision, Kick-off Rally, Mid-point Rally, and Closing Celebration. Father Kyle Doustou was the featured speaker at the Closing Celebration. Our visible prayer presence supported 2 Chronicles 7:14, “if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” We prayed to God to seek an end to abortion, and support the pathway to “heal our land.”

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