4th Annual Chili Chowder Cook Off For Assembly 3215
4th Annual Chili Chowder Cook Off For Assembly 3215
Council: 10020 - No. WINDHAM
Project Description:
The Sir Knights of Assembly 3215 know it is very difficult to find ways for an Assembly to raise funds. So this year Council 1002 offer it’s space and assistance to conduct the 4th Annual Chili and Chowder Cook Off with the profits going to assist a Seminarian in the Portland Diocese. The Assembly is composed of Sir Knights from Councils 10020, 11376 and 15791.
Starting in November of 2018 announcements were made in the bulletins of the Parishes who support the Assembly seeking contestants to enter their chili or chowder for judging by the people who attend this event. The Assembly reaches out to prior participants as well as seeking new contestants . A week before the cook off sheets detailing the event are inserted into the bulletins for the parishes who participate in the event as well as notices placed in the local newspapers by the publicity team.
Members of the Assembly work to set up the hall and prepare homemade desserts, corn bread, biscuits, brown bread, coffee, tea and soda. This year there were 15 home cooks competing for the title of #1 in each category. Attendees pay $7 to taste about a 3 ounce serving of as many of the chilies and chowders that they can. After paying their entry fee attendees are giving a ballot in which they mark their top three choices in the chili and chowder categories. Entrants are responsible to mark the bottom of their sample coups with their chili / chowder number so attendees can keep track of their favorites. This is a very fun event as people attending can eat and sample as many entrants as they want. The laughter and conversation level in the dining room is a great testament to how much people enjoy this annual event.
In the end the winners were chosen by tabulating the ballots and were presented with a plaque and a years worth of bragging rights. In addition the Assembly is able to provide a Seminarian with much needed support.
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