4th Degree Exemplification – Hosted

4th Degree Exemplification - Hosted


Council: 114 - BANGOR

Project Description:

Pine Cone Assembly 339 volunteered to host 2022 4th Degree Exemplification and the Maine State District Master accepted the offer. The date was selected as May 21st, 2022 as it was Armed Forces Day, preparations then began by sending out announcements to all Council’s and Assemblies throughout the great State of Maine. Request for advertisements and Congratulatory Announcements to be purchased and printed in a Complimentary Program Booklet were mailed out, several councils and assemblies purchased ads, thus making the overall affordability of the exemplification a reality. The booklet was a lot of work, but by Gods grace we were able to have the booklet put together and printed through the Parish Office thus making it affordable and professionally put together. The Exemplification was a one day event without a banquet afterwards, rather an outside social was put together by the host and was garnered in flower arrangements and canopied in case of sun or rain, the overall setting was perfect, and many of the families to part in the gathering to socialize and enjoy the event. 20 3rd degree members took their 4th Degree on this day, May 21st, 2022 in becoming Sir Knights of the Knights of Columbus. What a great degree the Maine State 4th Degree Team provided and with clarity and professionalism, what a great start of such a wonderful Patriotic Degree.
Pine Cone Assembly provided a Color Guard of five Sir Knights and nine Sir Knights providing Honors by leading the Clergy into the church before Mass. Several brother Knights and their families donated desserts, sandwiches for the event. Cut flowers where placed throughout the event, a team of eight brother Knights made the Bag Lunches for the team and candidates to enjoy for lunch. Great Exemplification 2022!!!!!!

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