4th of July Parade Float and Singers
4th of July Parade Float and Singers
Council: 114 - BANGOR
Project Description:
Council and Assembly discussions start in April at officer and general meetings. Commitment from Hartt Transportation Systems, Bangor, was obtained, to use a tractor-trailor for our float in the 2019 Greater Bangor Area Kiwanis Club 4th of July Parade. Our entry includes a float with Knights, family, and parish members singing patriotic songs. On July 3rd, 8 knights completed initial assembly of the float on the 48 foot flatbed trailer, with a centerpiece pedestal being an 8 X 16 foot, hand-painted mural depicting the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria sailing to the “New World.” Final assembly was completed by 6 knights and family members the morning of July 4th at the parade assembly yard in Brewer, including seating for 16 Knights and their families, along with 12 students from All Saints Catholic School, their Music instructor Doug Fogg, many flags, and a full sound system. Note that the float had a strong pole and rope barrier set all around, to ensure safety of all participants, including young children. A step ladder and close guarding ensured safe access up and down from the parade float deck. The Choral Group sang patriotic songs along the entire 3 kilometer parade route between Brewer and Bangor, engaging the parade goers to sing along. Our presentation was well-received by all, throughout the entire parade route. Like last year, we hiring Cyr Bus to transport participants back to the beginning of the parade. This project included Knights from our Council and Assembly, families and parish members. Float disassembly was completed on July 4th, and we all celebrated a great project!
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