7th Annual St. Paul the Apostle Parish/Paul Cormier Memorial Blood Drive
7th Annual St. Paul the Apostle Parish/Paul Cormier Memorial Blood Drive
Council: 114 - BANGOR
Project Description:
At the beginning of every program year, we Program Director, Directors, Grand Knight and brother officers plan activities, one of which is the St. Paul the Apostle Parish/Paul Cormier Memorial Blood Drive. This year was a very troubling start, s the Coronavirus Pandemic struck the World and Bangor, Maine was not left out. One of our Brothers contacted the virus as well. We mailed out our bi-mponthly newsletter promoting the blood dive, we had ARC build Posters along with Paul Cormier picture on them, these were hung in all six Parish Churches. Bulletin announcements went out and things were set; then the pandemic struck. Our churches were closed, we thought that we had canceled the blood drive due to the church closing, but the manage of the donor center just relocated the blood drive to the American Red Cross Donor Center at 900 Hammond Street, Bangor, Maine. We received an email the day before the event, stating that people have been pouring out to give blood, the director was ecstatic.
Here is an email from her the Monday after the blood drive:
Happy Monday!
The KOC memorial drive was a HUGE success! We pulled in 34 units, potentially saving 102 lives!! I can not thank you enough for your kindness and patience through this whole process. I sincerely hope we can work together again!
Continued health to you and your family, Mr. Forbes, and God bless you.
Beverly Austin
Donor Recruitment Associate
Northern New England Region
(207) 317-2670
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