ABBA Baby Bottle Drive

ABBA Baby Bottle Drive


Council: 101 - PORTLAND

Project Description:

ABBA is a Women’s Resource Center that assists women whose lives have been changed due to an unplanned pregnancy. They assist women with pregnancy testing, limited obstetric ultrasounds, limited STI/STD testing, educational programs, sexual integrity programs, mentoring, and restoration programs. The Knights of Columbus at Our Lady of Hope Parish (OLH) in Portland, ME helps out ABBA by running their annual Baby Bottle Drive fundraiser at OLH parish’s two churches, St. Pius X and St. Joseph. The Grand Knight of council 101 has been preparing for the 2021 drive whichwill run during the month of January. The time put in includes buying posters and making poster displays for the two churches, picking up baskets, brochures and baby bottles from ABBA as well as correspondence with ABBA, our pastor (for permission) and our other council at OLH parish (for assistance) in preparation for the drive in January. A follow up surge report will be submitted after the drive has completed.

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