ACTS proto-Core (February) — 15791 Falmouth
ACTS proto-Core (February) --- 15791 Falmouth
Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH
Project Description:
Two bother knights and 6 parishioners attender our past Parish ACTS retreat proto-Core meeting, the proto-Core Team meets every month to plan the annual women’s ACTS retreat and the men’s ACTS retreat
Women’s Retreat 2022
RLT announced that, most regretfully, we were unable to form a Team this year. We reached out to Prince of Peace Parish in Lewiston and St. Therese of Lisieux Parish in Sanford, and found some enthusiastic team members. But after five weeks of recruiting and discernment, we only had 11 women committed to Team (which included the four members of our Retreat Leadership Team). We needed 17 to 20 women to create a functioning Team.
RLT reported several inquiries from other parishes around the Diocese about the Retreat; there was demand for a four-day Retreat on the attendee side.
RLT will craft a message to the OLH/POTHE ACTS membership about this cancellation.
Spring Event for Women — Fr. Sullivan and Fr. Marquis both suggested that a simpler event could be arranged. There will be a Prayer Service for Our Lady on Saturday, May 21, a local event for which we would not need a large team to arrange the day. RLT will meet on March 4 to discuss specifics of this event, and invite those who did say yes to Team, and the larger ACTS membership, to help with this effort.
Prince of Peace Women’s Retreat – This will be held in Autumn 2022. We should encourage women of OLH and POTHE to consider attending this retreat.
Men’s Retreat Fall 2021 Recap
We need a commentary from the Men’s Retreat in November 2021 to accompany the Retreat group photograph in our parish Bulletins. Tom will examine the retreat evaluations, pull a comment to include anonymously
Men’s Retreat, Fall 2022
RLT reported that he has reserved Camp Mechuwana in Winthrop for the Men’s Retreat: November 10-13, 2022. This is Veterans Day weekend.
Send-off and Homecoming (to be held at OLH) – Tom will reserve the Hall at St. Pius X Church for Send-off on November 10 and the Fr. Hayes Center at St. Brigid’s School for a Homecoming Reception after the 10 am Mass at St. Joseph Church on November 13.
RLT suggested that Team Commissioning (to be held at POTHE) occur during a regular Sunday liturgy. We will ask Fr. Cartwright his thoughts on this and work to schedule an appropriate time and place.
Sanctity of Life Prayer Service Recap
There were 24-30 in-person attendees at the service on January 23 at Holy Martyrs.
Suggested that we offer child care for events like this prayer service. Children could have an activity related to the theme of the Prayer Service, for example, making rosaries if the adults are having a Rosary Prayer Service.
Rosary for Life Service in October 2022
We decided on the date: Saturday, October 22, 2022, at Holy Martyrs in Falmouth.
We will use the grotto if weather permits, or the Main Church if weather is poor.
Other Business
We should invite Fr. Cartwright to our monthly meetings. (Fr. Sullivan and other priests at OLH have a conflict with our meetings, since this is the night for the Parish Council meeting at OLH.)
We will start the Discernment process for a Men’s Retreat Director for November 2022 at our April Proto-Core meeting.
In examining the 2023 calendar, we found that the only feasible date for a Women’s Retreat next year was May 18-21, 2023. Cathy will contact Carol at Camp Mechuwana to reserve their facilities for that date.
Our ACTS proto-Core also includes parishioners from Our Lady of Hope Parish, this accomplish two objectives, the first one is to help the Parish of The Holy Eucharist to strength our 3+ year ACTS ministry and to expand the reach of the ACTS retreat to other Parishes, over these past 3 years the ACTS retreat has touched and changed the lives of 100+ parishioners, the fruits of the retreat have been clear in the four core areas of ACTS, A (Adoration) C (Community), T (Theology) and S (Service), many of our Parish ministries have seen a grow in participation coming from the retreatants.
POTHE/OLH ACTS CORE Formation: Both pastors gave their blessing to move forward with forming a Core. By forming a Core, the POTHE/OLH ACTS Community will be a legal Community in the eyes of ACTS Missions. Forming a Core is the next step in the ACTS process after having the 4 Mission Retreats, 2 Men’s and 2 Women’s retreats. The Core is the “guiding body,” along with the pastors and Fr Marquis, our ACTS Chaplain, that assures that all retreats are kept in the true order that ACTS intended, SIMPLE, CATHOLIC, REVERENT.
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