ACTS proto-Core (January) — 15791 Falmouth
ACTS proto-Core (January) --- 15791 Falmouth
Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH
Project Description:
One bother knights and 8 parishioners attender our past Parish ACTS retreat proto-Core meeting, the proto-Core Team meets every month to plan the annual women’s ACTS retreat and the men’s ACTS retreat
ACTS Budget Update – Cathy for Melissa
Women’s RLT will monitor prices and availability of COVID at-home testing supplies to collect for May, as this will be an added expense for the upcoming Women’s Retreat.
Women’s Retreat 2022
Our dates are definitely May 19-22, with a reservation at Camp Mechuwana.
The RLT is actively recruiting for Team; we have one definite YES so far. Some women have said they can help with external events but cannot be on Team.
Teaming starts February 17; Tom reminded us that Team members can only miss three meetings according to the Yes Agreements. We will reinforce this with the Team early on.
February 19 is Commissioning Mass, which Fr. Paul Marquis will say.
Planning for the RLT to meet with Fr. Sullivan and Fr. Cartwright about the Retreat.
There are plans for Fr. Brian Conley to do an instruction on the Jesuit Examen for the Women’s Team during formation.
Men’s Retreat Team advised that when planning accommodation, single Team members should sleep in cabins with retreatants to ensure safety.
RLT will coordinate informing Fr. Paul Sullivan, Mary Cafazzo, and other staff at OLH about the changed dates for Send-Off and Return.
It was suggested that it is never too early to put a notice in the Bulletin about the Women’s ACTS Retreat coming up.
Notre Dame Spiritual Center
Christmas cards from NDSC had handwritten notes saying that staff still doesn’t know when they will re-open for retreats.
Men’s Retreat Fall 2022
The group decided to select Camp Mechuwana for the Men’s Fall 2022 Retreat.
Sanctity of Life Prayer Service
Sunday, January 16 at 2 pm at Holy Martyrs. Cathy distributed a beautiful program she created for the day.
Cathy will reach out to the Knights for additional readers to help with this service.
Other Business
After-Action Report on Men’s Retreat
External Support for the Women’s Retreat
Love Letters
Southern Maine ACTS Reunion is Saturday, January 22 in Lewiston. As a part of this day, Prince of Peace Parish ACTS Ministry is asking for donations to support their scholarship fund. Our Protocore decided to donate $500 to the fund.
Future Protocore meetings will have a Zoom component so that those who wish may attend remotely. The Zoom link will be posted with the Agenda each month.
Our ACTS proto-Core also includes parishioners from Our Lady of Hope Parish, this accomplish two objectives, the first one is to help the Parish of The Holy Eucharist to strength our 3+ year ACTS ministry and to expand the reach of the ACTS retreat to other Parishes, over these past 3 years the ACTS retreat has touched and changed the lives of 100+ parishioners, the fruits of the retreat have been clear in the four core areas of ACTS, A (Adoration) C (Community), T (Theology) and S (Service), many of our Parish ministries have seen a grow in participation coming from the retreatants.
POTHE/OLH ACTS CORE Formation: Both pastors gave their blessing to move forward with forming a Core. By forming a Core, the POTHE/OLH ACTS Community will be a legal Community in the eyes of ACTS Missions. Forming a Core is the next step in the ACTS process after having the 4 Mission Retreats, 2 Men’s and 2 Women’s retreats. The Core is the “guiding body,” along with the pastors and Fr Marquis, our ACTS Chaplain, that assures that all retreats are kept in the true order that ACTS intended, SIMPLE, CATHOLIC, REVERENT.
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