ACTS proto-Core (November) — 15791 Falmouth

ACTS proto-Core (November) --- 15791 Falmouth


Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH

Project Description:

One bother knight and 6 parishioners attender our past Parish ACTS retreat proto-Core meeting, the proto-Core Team meets every month to plan the annual women’s ACTS retreat and the men’s ACTS retreat

Update on Men’s Retreat

Retreat is coming together, small team makes some elements challenging. Eleven men have signed up for retreat. There are 16 men on Team, including Fr. Paul Marquis.
Team will provide prayer journals to retreatants on Friday, for private reflections. It will be a way to capture the feeling of the retreat when looking back on it later.

COVID Protocols for Retreat

Team and Participants will be given at-home BinaxNow test kits. Tests will be funded by ACTS, at no cost to retreatants.
Retreat will follow all COVID protocols of federal, State, county and Diocese.

External Issues for Retreat

Plan is for the bus to leave Send-off at 6 pm.

Selection of Women’s Retreat Director for 2022

Pro-Life Rosary Wrap-Up

We had 24 attendees at the prayer service. Attendees were from all four of the POTHE churches and a few people from Portland.
Next fall, we will start publicizing this event earlier to encourage even more attendees.

Our ACTS proto-Core also includes parishioners from Our Lady of Hope Parish, this accomplish two objectives, the first one is to help the Parish of The Holy Eucharist to strength our 3+ year ACTS ministry and to expand the reach of the ACTS retreat to other Parishes, over these past 3 years the ACTS retreat has touched and changed the lives of 100+ parishioners, the fruits of the retreat have been clear in the four core areas of ACTS, A (Adoration) C (Community), T (Theology) and S (Service), many of our Parish ministries have seen a grow in participation coming from the retreatants.

POTHE/OLH ACTS CORE Formation: Both pastors gave their blessing to move forward with forming a Core. By forming a Core, the POTHE/OLH ACTS Community will be a legal Community in the eyes of ACTS Missions. Forming a Core is the next step in the ACTS process after having the 4 Mission Retreats, 2 Men’s and 2 Women’s retreats. The Core is the “guiding body,” along with the pastors and Fr Marquis, our ACTS Chaplain, that assures that all retreats are kept in the true order that ACTS intended, SIMPLE, CATHOLIC, REVERENT.

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