Admission Committee Interview. 2018 15791

Admission Committee Interview. 2018 15791


Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH

Project Description:

One council Admission Team Member met with a new Third Degree member who is seeking admission into our council. We met at Saint Gregory’s Church on Friday November 23, 2018. Continuing to keep our fellow brother knights involved in the knights, our Grand Knight was fortunate enough to have spoke to a fellow brother and his family who just moved into Gray recently. Today our Admission team leader sat with this Third Degree Brother and we spoke about his back ground with the knights in his last council. Along with this he was also given paper work on the many programs we sponsor as a council in our Parish and Community. He stated he was involved in community work in his old council, and would very much like to try it with us. Its’ always nice to be able to keep brother knights who come to us from out of state active in our Order and Council. United as one, this is how we get the work done for all.

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