Annual 2 cent Sale
Annual 2 cent Sale
Council: 9782 - WELLS
Project Description:
With the hard work of our event coordinator and the many members of our council who is always willing to give up hours of their valuable time for the good of others, we again had another extremely successful event raising $17,850.00. Many of our members travelled in many directions within our community seeking gift certificates from hundreds of our very generous and dedicated businesses. Hours are spent arranging these gifts into three tables with approximately 50 gifts or group of gifts on each table getting them ready to be handed out to the luck winners in a jam packed Church Hall. Throughout the evening guests are treated to good foods from our kitchen along with trying their luck again with our 50/50 raffle and theme basket raffle.
It is a fun night for the adults and kids with the knowledge that these monies will be used to support a host of charitable organizations within our community and state.
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