Annual Auction

Annual Auction


Council: 680 - MILLINOCKET

Project Description:

Throughout the year, Council 680 solicits, gathers, and stores donated items in preparation for its annual auction held this year at the St. Martin of Tours Parish Hall from 4-9 p.m. on April 17, 2018. The purpose of this auction is to obtain the funds needed to provide financial assistance that various community and service organizations request throughout the fraternal year. This year, the funds obtained were distributed to the Millinocket Little League, the Stearns High School Athletic program, the Millinocket Memorial Library, the Council Educational Scholarship Program, the Millinocket Police Department, the River Driver Memorial project, and the Millinocket Municipal Cemetery. The night before the auction, Knights set up the auction and dining tables, placed all the auction items on display and prepared the chili that would be served before the auction began. The morning of the auction, the chili was placed in slow roasters and allowed to cook all day. The night of the auction, Knights served the meal, cleaned the tables, emptied the trash, washed the dishes, helped the auctioneer display the auction items as they were auctioned off, collected the money, helped deliver the items purchased to individual vehicles and helped clean up the auction space once it was completed. A total of 1200 dollars was raised to help Council and Community projects as listed above.

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