Annual Good Shepherd Parish Community Concert
Annual Good Shepherd Parish Community Concert
Council: 12941 - BIDDEFORD
Project Description:
Council: St. Joseph Council #12941
Name of Activity: 4th Annual Good Shepherd Parish Community Concert
Date of Activity: 6 May 18
Location: St. Joseph Church Biddeford
The Knights of Columbus organized this yearly parish community concert. These are all who were involved and their roles.
1) Parish music coordinator selected and organized 13 music pieces. All the performers were parishioners. Violinists, student school choir, parish organist, Parish string guitar group, tenor soloist and much more.
2) Knights of Columbus had their honor guard standing at attention by the alter at all 13 musical pieces.
3) Knights of Columbus greeted and ushered in all quest
4) Daughters of Isabella hosted a free meal after the concert
5) Free raffles were drawn after the concert during the meal
6) Local access TV. Film the event
7) Local newspaper interview and reported the event
8) Program were distributed to all quest
The concert was a free will donation and sponsors placed paid ads in the music program.
1) $2,417.00 was raised and distributed to the following
A) 50% to St. James School
B) 15% to the Knights of Columbus
C) 10% to the Knights of Columbus choice of charity
D) 10% to Msgr. Matthieu discernment program
E) 10% to Good Shepherd Parish
F) 5% to Rubanda Solidarity School in Uganda
Total Hours:
1) 15 Brother Knights @ 3 hrs.————————————-45 hours
2) 4 Brother Knights organizing the concert——————–100 hours
3) 7 Daughters of Isabella @3 hrs.——————————–21 hours
4) 2 Daughters of Isabella organizing—————————–8 hours
5) 36 Musicians @ 2 hrs.———————————————72 hours
6) Community involvement 200 participants——————-400 hours
Total: 646 Hours
Fraternally Submitted:
Good Shepherd Parish Community Concert Chairman,
Daniel Bedard
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