April Family of the Month

April Family of the Month


Council: 13861 - SANFORD

Project Description:

April 2020
Family of the Month
The St. Thomas Council, Knights of Columbus, proudly present our “Family of the Month” to Kevin and Cathy Neely.
Kevin and Cathy are the proud parents of four children, all of whom are graduates of St. Thomas School here in Sanford and St. Thomas Catholic High School in Dover, NH. They are Kelly 43, Christine 41, Sean 39, and Meghan 34.
Cathy retired from her position with the Department of State in 2019 at an invitation only event in Washington, D.C. honoring retirees, quite an honor.
Kevin is also retired, most recently from the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard where he taught in the “Apprentice Program” specializing in Operations Management and technical writing.
Cathy and Kevin have served our parish community in many ways over the years; as chairpersons for the St. Thomas Spring Fever Fair for four years. Cathy served on the PTO and as president of the school board; Kevin as Assistant Scout Master of our parish Boy Scout Troop. They both taught Baptism preparation for several years.
Both Cathy and Kevin serve in our parish as lectors, and Kevin also brings the Holy Eucharist to the home bound and to the Lodges nursing home on a weekly basis.
Kevin and Cathy are team leader of the ACTS men’s and woman’s retreat teams, devoting many hours to the ACTS Retreat team program. Kevin is also very involved in the That Man is You program and serves as an altar server, both at daily mass and funerals.
Cathy is also active on the Funeral Luncheon teams, serving luncheons to families after funerals.
It is families like this that drive our Christian culture hear at St. Therese. We are proud to present “Family of the Month” to your family, Kevin and Cathy!

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