Baby Bottle Drive 2021
Baby Bottle Drive 2021
Council: 12941 - BIDDEFORD
Project Description:
The Brother Knights of our council worked in conjunction with our neighbor councils in Old Orchard Beach Beach and Lyman on this annual fundraiser to benefit Culture of Life causes in spring 2021. In spite of Covid limitations, it was the biggest success we had had to date. We circulated baby bottles to parishioners in all four churches to fill up to fill up with donation coins. The bottles were distributed on Mothers Day with the aim of collecting them back again on Fathers Day. We also offered envelopes to any who preferred to mail in donations. Brother Knights prepared poster displays explaining our aims that were placed in all GSP churches before the distribution and collection dates. The project was announced from the pulpit in church and in the church bulletin. We couldn’t have asked for better support–our priests got behind the campaign and the parishioners responded generously. Donations continued to come in all the way to mid summer.
The 2021 Baby Bottle Drive took in $7500 which the council voted to split 3 ways. The first donation, $4500, went to Alpha Pregnancy Resource Center in Sanford, one of our favorite good causes, toward their cost to operate. We donated $2500 to the Councils of Aroostook County after we heard they were on the doorstep of being able to afford their 3 desired ultrasound units for Fort Kent, Presque Isle and Houlton. We were keen to make the donation that put them over the top and complete ultrasound coverage for northern Maine. Our last donation of $1000 went to the Health Care Centre in Rubanda, Uganda. Our council had earlier helped secure an ultrasound machine for the clinic there, the only one of its kind for many miles around.
We are still struck by people’s generosity toward the Culture of Life cause. This project was an opportunity for all to feel the satisfaction that comes with the practice of Charity.
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