Baby Bottle Drive for Mother Seton House
Baby Bottle Drive for Mother Seton House
Council: 10020 - No. WINDHAM
Project Description:
Four brother Knights conducted the Baby Bottle Drive that benefits the Mother Seton House in Fryeburg. The entire
program was held at a cluster parish for 6 weeks. Activites included
* Organzing the effort with the Mother Seton house, securing a spokesperson from there and securing supplies.
Preparing annoucnements for bulletin and parish website.
* Preparing tracking materials, providing signage and displays, executing by distributing the bottles and collecting
them for three masses per weekend for 7 weeks from May 3rd to June 30th. .
* Providing financial controls and accounting of funds, including deposits.
* Making the donation to the beneficiary in the amount of $3,033.00
Mother Seton House’s Mission is Cherishing Life by Supporting Pregnant Women, new mothers and infants in need.
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