Blood Drive – Disaster Preparedness Relief

Blood Drive - Disaster Preparedness Relief


Council: 10019 - LEWISTON

Project Description:

Communities can be brought to a standstill when disaster occurs, from large natural disasters to local crises as was witnessed during the recent Covid19 pandemic. During a scheduled council meeting, brother Raymond Laplume made a motion to contact the American Red Cross for the purpose of scheduling a blood drive within the Prince of Peace parish. The main reason being mostly due to the Covid-19 shutdown and to help restore critically low blood inventories in the region. Of course, the motion was seconded and accepted by those present. Ray quickly acted on the motion by scheduling a blood drive with our local Red Cross branch, the date was selected. At the next meeting he informed every one of the drives date, he then recruited several volunteers to help with this drive. As the drive date neared the shortage became even more critical. With only a few weeks remaining to the collection date, he was contacted by the Red Cross field officer that his scheduled drive would be canceled because of staffing issues. The Covid-19 epidemic had impacted field donations, resulting in a lack of available Phlebotomists, however the main collection office remained open with severe Covid19 protocols in place. Thanks to dedicated staff and doners, five of our members made several blood donations during this period, resulting in nine pints of this valuable lifesaving fluid and its other products.
As community leaders, councils help ensure that their members, families and communities are prepared through a campaign of planning and education, motivating them to take holistic approach to emergency situations in times of crisis. In this case the whole blood and other products donated helped the entire New England region during this most critical time. Thanks to our K. of C. dedicated brothers for your very generous gift.

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