Bowl-A-Thon in Support of Shepherd’s Godparent Home

Bowl-A-Thon in Support of Shepherd's Godparent Home


Council: 114 - BANGOR

Project Description:

3rd Annual Bowl-A-Thon in support of the Shepherd’s Godparent Pregnancy Center on February 8th, 2020 at noon. Brother Knight John Newcomb is the lead on this tremendous effort, and believe me he put his all into this very worthwhile fundraiser. The Shepherd’s Godparent Home was
Founded in 1992, the Shepherd’s Godparent Home is a crisis center located in a quiet residential neighborhood in Bangor, Maine. Their doors opened to residents in 2003, and the facility houses young women in their teens to thirties who are pregnant and in crisis.
Nikki’s Hope is a transitional program for new mothers who have resided in our home. Participants have the opportunity to gain independence, develop parenting skills, and mature their faith while residing in the program’s apartment.
This years efforts saw more bowlers 54, the lanes were about full, people up and down them having a blast, being excited on an opportunity to hit a colored head-pin, get a strike on a colored headpin, and receive a gift card of your choice: Dunkin Donuts, Tim Horten’s, McDonalds or Chick filet. We had 12 Raffle Donations from local business’s, and we had a 50/450 drawing. In addition we had a bake sale throughout the event.

Brother John’s efforts, with raffles, getting people to sign-up to bowl from league play at Family Fun Center, as well as publicity, local News media, he was on at 6am on WABI News promoting the event/fundraiser.

In all $2, 400.00 was raised, which provided a check to be presented to the Shepherd’s Godparent Home in the amount of $2,000.00.

The Knights of Columbus, Pine Cone Council 114 Rocked it on this event, and provided emotional need as well as financial assistance to the home, providing support of the unborn, born and single women in crisis.

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