By-Weekly Column For The Parish Bulletin. 15791

By-Weekly Column For The Parish Bulletin. 15791


Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH

Project Description:

Our Council Faith in Action Director came up with the idea of sending out via our Parish Bulletin a By-Weekly column for all the Parishioners and Council Brothers to read. This column started on January 5, 2019. The reason for this new program is two-fold. One it explains to the reader how their Parish Knights of Columbus Council, and Building the Domestic Church ties in to one another. Secondly, we are hoping that the effort our Council Faith in Action Director puts into this column, will help in our recruiting efforts. In order to grow in membership, and to let the Parish Families know that we are there for them, this column will act as an invite to them to join our Order and Council. Keeping fresh idea’s flowing is very important in spreading the Good News of our Faith connection and Family connection. With the LORDS Blessings we will succeed.

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