Campaign for Individuals with Disabilities
Campaign for Individuals with Disabilities
Council: 114 - BANGOR
Project Description:
The active 2019 Campaign for People with Intellectual Disabilities was concluded at Dysart’s Restaurant on October 14. Congratulations and a great big thank you to the 42 brother knights who volunteered 210 hours and 12 family members who added another 40 hours. A big thank you to the family members involved this year who were Gabe and Catie Hikel, Sophie, Ava, and Patrick Marquis, Joseph Bergin, Kim Milidowski, Danielle and Victoria Berube, Sharon Brimmer, Cathy Bennett, and Rosemarie Freeman. There were 5 brothers who volunteered 10 or more hours. The Berube family volunteered a total of 25 hours between Danielle, Victoria, and Jamie.
This year’s campaign began at Marden’s in Brewer on Friday September 20th. The next weekend, September 28th and 29th we solicited donations at the six churches of St. Paul the Apostle Parish. We were at Sam’s Club the weekend of October 4th – 6th and concluded at Dysart’s Restaurant in Hermon. I had hoped we could reach the $9,000 threshold this year after only being $260 shy last year. Unfortunately the community didn’t show the same generosity as before. At the conclusion of the community drive, we collected donations of $8,424.12. Leading up to the November council meeting, I offered remaining boxes for sale to the brothers. By the council meeting I had sold the remaining boxes of Tootsie Rolls to collect an additional $240. The sale of the remaining boxes brought our total to $8,664.12. At the meeting there were several miscellaneous donations, including two of $100 and one of $250 for an additional $535.88 to bring our grand total to $9,200.
Thank you to all the brothers and family members who participated in this year’s Campaign for People with Intellectual Disabilities. I wish to extend a special thank you to Mike Dean, Jake Marquis and Jamie Berube who helped with logistics of getting materials and money between locations when needed.
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