Campaign for Individuals with Disabilities

Campaign for Individuals with Disabilities


Council: 114 - BANGOR

Project Description:

This year, due to Covid-19 restrictions, the Campaign for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities we had to conducted in a unique and an entirely different way. Because business would not permit us to solicit at their door we resorted to sending a letter campaign to area businesses. As normal, the campaign was announced in the parish bulletin during October. We could not stand at the churches after mass so we asked donations be mailed to us. Monsignor Dubois allowed parishioners to make donations using the WeShare option on the parish application.

Business making a donation of at least $25 could request a box of Tootsie Rolls. Likewise, individuals who made a donation of $25 or more were call and offered a box of Tootsie Rolls. All Tootsie Roll were delivered by an individual with sanitized hands and a masked face.

Although our collection was lower that in previous years, businesses and parishioner contributed $3,430. This allowed Pine Cone Council 114 to make donations of $954 to Penobscot Special Olympics, $750 to Pine Tree Camp, and $720 to Camp Capella.

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