Campaign for Individuals with Disabilities

Campaign for Individuals with Disabilities


Council: 114 - BANGOR

Project Description:

Pine Cone Council 114 conducted their Campaign for Individuals with Disabilities starting on September 21st and ending on October 14th. During this portion of the campaign donations totaled over $8,544. During our November business meeting and the first two weeks of November the remaining boxes of Tootsie Rolls were sold and with other miscellaneous donations an additional $196. The total donations collected by Pine Cone Council #114 for our 2018 campaign was $8,740.

With the exception of some rain on the Saturday while we were at Sam’s and the chilly mornings, we were blessed with great weather. This year there were 42 brothers who participated along with 3 spouses and 11 children whose combined volunteer time accounted for more than 240 hours.
Mark Armstrong of Snowman Printing donated two signs that announced the purpose of the campaign and the groups who would benefit from the donations. The signs were place so people could see them as the approached the entrances where we were standing. Several brothers observed that the signs helped get the message to people and helped to open pocketbooks.

At the November council meeting the member voted for the distribution of funds. Our four primary organizations of Special Olympics, the Elizabeth Levinson Center, Camp Capella, and Pine Tree Camp accounted for $4,672 of the council’s portion. The remaining $2,000 was donated to Sarah Merrill for special dental work to correct a birth defect and to All Saints School towards a fund to provide a lift between floors which will allow access for students with physical issues.

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