Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest

Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest


Council: 10019 - LEWISTON

Project Description:

Because of Covid19, this year presented what seemed to be insurmountable challenges to society, which led to hundreds of business giving up and shutting down. Likewise non-profits suffered with loss of fund raising opportunities, causing uncountable ramifications throughout the region. The funds for this project had previously been authorized by our membership by accumulating returnable bottles and cans. Thus we found ourselves in a pickle when, while doing a Zoom meeting in August, PGK Brother Robert Dumond asked the membership if we should sponsor Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest this again year. Knowing that most schools would be closed or doing on-line learning at best, an essay contest would be difficult to say the lease. However, brother Dumond was given the task to get it done, if he could get consent from school principal and teachers. And so he started by making several calls to the school to get a feel of their desire to participate and urge student involvement.
This year’s theme was, “Discuss how trusting in God during a difficult time has helped you or someone you know find the strength and hope to endure it.” As an initiative for their work on this five hundred word essay, a cash prize for first, second and third place winners would be awarded. Most students spoke about their life as it was affected by Covid-19. Thanks for their hard work, thought and honesty, which they displayed in their writings as this was truly a difficult theme to write about.
As several weeks passed, Robert finally heard back from the eighth grade religion teacher, who told him that his entire class would be participating. We finally received the student literary works, six persons volunteered to judge each essay. Using strict program guidelines, the essays were scored on three factors: content, grammar, and style. With that difficult blind judging portion done, the average scores were tabulated.
We are now happy to announce the top three winning essays, congratulations, great work. In 3rd place, Jordynn Bilodeau – $25, 2nd place, Jonathan Tangilamesu – $50 and 1st place, Abbie Simpson – $75. The winning of this contest entails sending Abbie’s essay to the Maine State Council for judging against other 8th grade students from throughout the State of Maine. Robert was latter told that her essay won at the State level, and she will become Maine State Champion and receive another $100. Further her essay will be sent to Supreme for judging against 8th graders from all over the U.S. and several other countries.
This program is a great way to let our young men and women know about the Knights of Columbus and the good works the order does in our church and communities. Vivat Jesus

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