Celebration of Life Ministry Fund Raiser

Celebration of Life Ministry Fund Raiser


Council: 2219 - WESTBROOK

Project Description:

In an attempt of promoting the Celebration of Life Ministry, which is sponsored by Council 2219, the District Deputy of District 11 and the Past State Deputy talked to the members of Council 10221, Gorham, about the possibility of helping raise funds to continue the pursuit of the Ministry. Members of Council 10221 agreed to designate the Ministry as the recipient of the 50/50 raffle which was to be help at their Fish Supper on March 23, 2018 and asked if Council 2219 would supply the desserts and manpower to serve the desserts and that they, Council 10221, would also set-up a table for representatives of council 2219 to pass out literature and answer any questions that people may have. Representatives were overwhelmed by the amount of interest there was. Upon completions of the event Council 10221 presented, the Grand Knight of Council 2219 and his wife with a total of $163.00 obtained from the 50/50 raffle along with a additional $127.00 in donations for the Ministry. A total of $290.00 was received at this event., Since this was Council 10221 sponsored event, man hours listed are for Council 2219 members and family only.

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