Cemetery Memorial Cleanup

Cemetery Memorial Cleanup


Council: 680 - MILLINOCKET

Project Description:

In 1936, Council 680 built a memorial altar at the Municipal Cemetery and donated it to the town of Millinocket.
Since that time, the members of Council 680 took on the responsibility of maintaining the cement structure, making
necessary repairs, and cleaning the altar in preparation for the Memorial Mass that is celebrated there every
Memorial Day. Exposed to the elements during the cold winter months, the structure is in annual need of restoration
and repair. On May 17th -19th, members of Council 680 removed the burlap sacks that covered the statues over the long
winter, cleaned the altar and surrounding area of debris and trash. The floor and stairs leading up to the altar were
repainted and flowers were brought in to place in the urns at the corners of the altar and an inspection was made of
the statues and the crucifix for necessary repairs to be made. Finally, the sanctuary lamp for the graves of the two
priests buried behind the altar was placed along with flowers around the plaque marking their resting place. A
portion of our annual fundraisers is used to maintain a separate fund designated for restoration costs to this structure
so future visitors to the Millinocket Cemetery will be able to find solace in this magnificent tribute.

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