Charity, Units and Fraternity Exemplification
Charity, Units and Fraternity Exemplification
Council: 13861 - SANFORD
Project Description:
The Knights of Columbus St. Thomas Council #13861 was the first council in the state of Maine to conduct the new exemplification ceremony. This new ceremony, known as the Charity, Unity and Fraternity ceremony was conducted at Holy Family Church in Sanford, Maine on Sunday, March 1st. Charity, Unity and Fraternity symbolize the three virtues of the Knights of Columbus Third Degree rank.
John Chandonnet presided over a ceremony in which eight new knights took their first, second and third degree to become full fledged knights. Other members of the degree team included: Frank Pease, Dan Rooney, Ray Sargent, Rene Robichaud, Dennis Guay and Grand Knight Terry Sylvanus. Fr. Bill Labbe, Pastor of St. Therese of Lisieux Parish was the Ceremonial Chaplin.
District Deputy George Duranleau, Maine State Advocate Michael Giroux, Maine State Ceremonials Director Don Leeman and Springvale Council Grand Knight Bob Tyler were among the dignitaries who attended the ceremony.
The eight candidates included: Josh Trivilino, Arnold Negron, Fred Daniels, Charles LaChapelle, Gary Pattenaude, and Jeffrey Russell from the St. Thomas Council; Jake Guillemette from the Springvale Council and Paul St.Amour from Lewiston.
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