Christmas Food Basket
Christmas Food Basket
Council: 1870 - CARIBOU
Project Description:
The Parish of The Precious Blood every year in December puts up a Christmas Tree called the giving tree with ages of children from needy families and gifts are donated. Area grocery stores donate and sell product at reduced cost to help put together food baskets for the needy as well. Two Brother Knights started on Wednesday December 18th by going with a trailer and picking up product and unloading in basement of the church. Thursday Parishioners and fellow Brothers get together and sort through product and set up in a very organized manner for a group that will deliver on Saturday. As Saturday rolls around its all hands on deck, We start at 7am to pick up Chicken and Turkeys which will also be part of every food basket donated. This year 96 Food Basket and toys were delivered by our Church with the help of 7 Brother Knights and completed by 11 am. What a great feeling knowing that you were making a families holiday a little brighter.
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