Christmas Party for Council Family Members

Christmas Party for Council Family Members


Council: 149 - CALAIS

Project Description:

After a two year hiatis due to “COVID”, our Council once again planned to have a Chrictmas Party at the K/C Hall, in Calais during our December Pot Luck and Social hour on Sunday December 19, 2021. A committe of two were assigned to decorate the Hall. Put up the tree, and set Christmas decorations all around the hall. The head tables were set up for the massive spread of delicious Pot Luck food and desserts. We all enjoyed a great feast and as soon as we finished eating we cleared away the head tables, and put away the food. Brought up the chairs and set them in a semi-circle around the tree, and with Father Brad Morin as our leader sang Christmas Carols, with our Council Christmas song sheets that we use every year. When we came to “Santa Claus is Coming to town”, up from down stairs pops little old and lively St. Nick, (Santa Claus)!
Santa had a bag of gifts and some coal, for the Knights that help keep the Council active and going. He also had stuffed toys for all the little kids.
Knights and their wives were instructed to bring a gift for a man and a gift for woman. Also, Parents were instructed to bring a gift for their children. They were all put under the tree upon their arrival, and Santa gave all these out after he spoke about the baby Jesus’s birthday.
This is our biggest dinner of the year at the K/C Hall, and all had a great time! It was also our first Christmas with Father Brad Morin and he was very happy with our Council!

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