Church Beautification Effort

Church Beautification Effort


Council: 10020 - No. WINDHAM

Project Description:

The local Council joined together with the parish women’s guild to hold a Church beautification effort with parish families doing the volunteer work. Preparation for the event began around March 1. Posters were put up in the Church narthex along with sign up sheets. Knights talked it up at their monthly meeting, as did the women’s guild. Announcements were made from the pulpit. Families were encouraged to come and volunteer together. Water and snacks were purchased in advance. Mulch was purchased and delivered ahead of time in preparation for the day. A crew of two knights spent much of the week prior to the May 5 event limbing up trees and hauling away major branches. On the day of the event, 30 volunteers brought their rakes, shovels, wheel barrows, hand tools and spirit. Two young boys helped by hauling brush in their small wheel barrow. The volunteers transformed the church and rectory grounds which had not been thoroughly raked in about ten years. Volunteers cut brush, raked, spread 196 bags of mulch, planted flowers, watered, and enjoyed the comradery of the day. Volunteers enjoyed breaks with water and snack bars. A handful of volunteers finished the effort during the following week. The overgrown church entrance and presence on the main road were transformed into a welcoming groomed entrance. Lawns of the church and rectory offered a welcoming presence the next day to church goers, which was the day we celebrated the crowing of Mary on the side lawn of the church. Pictures of volunteers were placed on a poster in the Church narthex thanking all for their efforts.

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