Clam Festival to benefit Sacred Heart Church in Yarmouth. 2018 15791

Clam Festival to benefit Sacred Heart Church in Yarmouth. 2018 15791


Council: 15791 - FALMOUTH

Project Description:

Fifteen council brothers,wives, and members of the Parish of the Holy Eucharist. As a council we once again this year participated and chaired the Yarmouth Clam Festival during July 19 threw the 21. Several Council Brother splint the shift duties during the above dates. This year we also had 4 wives who volunteered to help with the Food Circle details. The jobs which our council brothers participated in the year was picking up and cleaning up the grills for the festival, the clean-up and return of the grills after the festival, Chair and Vic-Chair of the event, Shift Managers, Parking Lot Manager and parking team, and most importantly the runners between the Food Circle, Church and the local stores. All in all this was a very well organized event, and at the end of the 3 days the total hours put in by all our council members was 157 hours. In addition, the council members wives spent 33 additional hours. Because of being rained out on Sunday our hours put in were somewhat less than 2017. The gross for the weekend was $5,000.00. Our Parish priest and financial manager were very pleased with the results. The funds raised from this event will go toward the operation of this Worship site. Even with being rained out on Sunday, this year’s festival was a success. All the council brothers and wives involved, enjoyed working this event very much. Even though we were all exhausted at the end of the weekend, the fellowship was great, and thanks to our Lord, all this was made possible, along with our Pastors support once again this July.

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