Clothing Donations
Clothing Donations
Council: 12941 - BIDDEFORD
Project Description:
Funny how things come in bunches. This year it’s warm clothing. After our planned donation of Coats for Kids and our windfall of knit hats and mittens from York County United Way, we came into more. DGK Adrien Picard heard from a party in Saco who had another donation he wanted us to handle—a big one. This was the leftover inventory of a tee shirt store in OOB that closed a couple of years ago. There were no longer plans to get back in business, just hopes that the clothing could be given away freely to people in need. Most of what was available were tops of various kinds. The winter season calls for warmer things, so, the week before Christmas, we brought three or four dozen pieces, mostly sweat shirts, to Seeds of Hope in Biddeford for their clientele, and filled Brother Adrien’s pick up truck with a dozen or more bags and took them to Catholic Charities of Maine in Portland. Catholic Charities is on the front line of looking after refugees newly arrived in Maine who have need of everything. Our council’s donation amounted to hundreds of pieces of clothing including many more sweatshirts, children’s tee shirts, long sleeve tee shirts, bibs and even a few backpacks. We may also be able to make further donations of short sleeve tee shirts when the weather warms up.
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