CLYNK Bottles For Brothers In Need
CLYNK Bottles For Brothers In Need
Council: 10020 - No. WINDHAM
Project Description:
At each Mass members of the Council comprise the entire usher squad. As Parishioners leave Masses on the weekends our ushers offer them a CLYNK bag, which is coded with our Council CLYNK account.
Each month a member of the Council goes to the local Hannaford Brother Supermarket to get a new supply of CLYNK bags and pick up the proceeds of the previous month’s donations. Over 70 Parishioners routinely take bags and drop them off with to benefit the Council. This member then rolls the bags up and ties them with a ribbon and a note to remind Parishioners that the proceeds benefit the charitable work of the Council.
We regularly put reminders in our bulletin about the CLYNK program to maintain awareness.
Approximately $1500 per year is collected. The money is earmarked for our Brothers In Need program. Over the last several years we have been able to support Brothers and their families in need with unexpected medical care, difficulty paying for car repairs and fuel assistance.
We are fortunate that our Parish supports our work – without these funds we would struggle help our fellow Brothers and their families.
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